What are the most active ransomware threats?

Ransomware attacks reached unprecedented heights in 2022. With France ranking 5th worldwide in attacks, it’s imperative to understand current threats and prepare accordingly.

Trends in ransomware attacks

Ransomware continues to evolve at an alarming rate. While some major groups such as CONTI and REvil have disappeared, others such as LockBit, BlackCat, Hive and Karakurt have grown exponentially. What’s more, new groups such as BianLian and Black Basta have emerged to compete with the established acts.

The ransomware business in figures

In 2022, 2363 companies fell victim to data disclosures by various ransomware groups. Analysts noted some interesting trends, such as a spike in attacks during the 13th week of the year. However, these attacks were not linked to major geopolitical events, but rather reflected the strategies of cybercriminals.

The most active ransomware groups in 2022

LockBit dominated the ransomware landscape in 2022, being responsible for 34% of recorded attacks. With an average of 67 attacks per month, they far outstripped other groups such as BlackCat. In France, LockBit was also the most active group, followed by Vice Society and BlackCat.

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Present 24/7, our cybersecurity experts are at your side, to help you overcome a ransomware incident within your organization. We’ve been the leader in data recovery in France for over 20 years. We have already rescued over 100,000 storage media.

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Who are the victims of ransomware?

The commercial infrastructure, finance, construction, legal and business sectors have been hit hardest by ransomware. These sectors are attractive to cybercriminals because they potentially offer greater financial rewards. In addition, companies in these sectors often have many employees and third-party suppliers, offering more entry points for attackers.

The RaaS business model

The RaaS (Ransomware-as-a-Service) business model has proved as destructive for victims as it is profitable for hackers. Companies large and small are all vulnerable. Understanding how these groups operate is essential to strengthening defenses and creating an effective defense strategy.

How can our SOS Ransomware service help you?

Faced with the growing threat of ransomware, it’s essential to have a reliable partner to help you in the event of an incident. SOS Ransomware is your trusted expert, ready to step in and guide you every step of the way. Don’t wait until it’s too late, contact SOS Ransomware today and make sure you can get back to business as usual.

Our mini-guide for everyone

Key points

We have over 20 years’ experience in data recovery. Call on the data recovery leader, our expertise enables us to provide you with a top-level response.

guide : définition ransomware

Introduction: what is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents users from accessing their system or personal files, and demands a ransom to gain access again.
guide : détecter une attaque de ransomware

Detecting a ransomware attack

There are three main methods of detecting ransomware. Detection by signature, detection by behavior, and detection by abnormal traffic.
guide: comment réagir à une attaque de ransomware
The right reflexes

How to react to a ransomware attack?

As soon as you realize that your organization has been infected, there's not a second to lose. Isolating affected systems is the first step in preventing a dramatic spread.
guide: exemples d'attaques ransomware
Case studies

Some examples of ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks have become one of the most worrying cybersecurity threats, particularly in France, ranked as the 5th most targeted country in 2022.
guide: les menaces ransomware les plus actives
Trends in 2023

What are the most active threats?

While some major groups such as CONTI and REvil have disappeared, others such as LockBit, BlackCat, Hive, and Karakurt experienced exponential growth in 2022.
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How to protect yourself from a ransomware attack?

One of the best preventive measures against ransomware is to maintain regular backups of all your essential information...